How to Break In Your Running Shoes [A Step-by-Step Guide]

How do you break in your running shoes? It’s a question that many runners ask when they get a new pair of kicks.

Breaking in your running shoes is essential for ensuring a comfortable fit and preventing blisters and discomfort on your runs.

So, let’s dive into the best ways to break in your running shoes and get them ready for the road!

Why is it Important to Break in Running Shoes?

Breaking in your running shoes is an important step to ensure comfort, support, and performance during your runs. New running shoes often require some time and wear to mold to your feet and provide the optimal fit. Here’s why it’s important to break in your running shoes:

1. Prevent discomfort and blisters: Breaking in your running shoes helps minimize the risk of discomfort, such as rubbing or chafing, that can lead to painful blisters or hot spots. By gradually acclimating your feet to the shoes, you give them a chance to adjust and reduce the chances of developing friction-related issues.

2. Customize the fit: Breaking in your running shoes allows them to conform to the unique shape of your feet. This customization improves the overall fit, ensuring that the shoes provide the necessary support and stability for your running style. It also helps to alleviate any pressure points or areas of discomfort caused by a new pair of shoes.

3. Adapt to the cushioning and support: Running shoes often have different types of cushioning and support systems, such as foam or gel inserts, to absorb impact and provide stability. Breaking in the shoes allows these components to soften and mold to your feet, enhancing their effectiveness and ensuring optimal shock absorption during your runs.

4. Improve performance: Well-fitted and broken-in running shoes can improve your overall performance. The comfortable and supportive fit allows you to maintain proper running mechanics and stride, minimizing the risk of injuries and maximizing your running efficiency. It can also boost your confidence and enjoyment during your runs.

5. Reduce the risk of foot and leg injuries: Wearing shoes that are not properly broken in increases the risk of foot and leg injuries. Ill-fitting shoes can cause issues like shin splints, plantar fasciitis, or stress fractures. By taking the time to break in your running shoes, you give your feet and legs the opportunity to gradually adapt to the new footwear, reducing the likelihood of these injuries.

How Long Does it Take to Break in Running Shoes?

Breaking in your running shoes is an important step to ensure optimal comfort and performance. While the exact time it takes to break in running shoes can vary depending on factors like shoe material, individual foot shape, and running style, it typically takes about 1-2 weeks of regular use to fully break in a pair of running shoes.

During the initial wear, you may experience some discomfort or tightness as the shoes mold to the shape of your feet. This is normal as the materials and cushioning adjust to your foot size and stride pattern. It is important to gradually increase your running mileage while breaking in your shoes to give your feet time to adapt and minimize the risk of blisters or injuries.

To help speed up the breaking-in process, you can try wearing your new running shoes for short walks or light activities before your actual runs. This will help soften the materials and allow your feet to get accustomed to the shoes gradually. Additionally, using shoe inserts or socks with extra cushioning can provide added comfort during the break-in period.

Proper Techniques for Breaking in Running Shoes

Breaking in your running shoes properly is essential for a comfortable and injury-free running experience. Here are some techniques to help you break in your new running shoes effectively:

Gradual Wear

Start by wearing your new running shoes for short periods. Begin with walks or short runs to allow your feet and the shoes to adjust gradually. This will give your shoes time to mold to the shape of your feet and reduce the risk of discomfort or blisters.

Use Them for Similar Activities

During the breaking-in process, it’s best to use the shoes for activities that simulate running, such as walking, light jogging, or cross-training exercises. This helps to flex and stretch the shoe materials and ensures that they adapt to your feet’s movement patterns.

Rotate with Your Old Shoes

To avoid overexerting your new shoes and give them time to adjust, alternate between your new and old shoes when you first start wearing them. This allows your feet to gradually get used to the new shoes while reducing the risk of discomfort or injuries from sudden changes in support or cushioning.

Loosen or Adjust Tightness

If you experience tightness or discomfort in specific areas of your new shoes, try loosening the laces or adjusting the fastening system. You can also experiment with different lacing techniques to alleviate pressure points or provide a more customized fit.

Listen to Your Feet

Pay attention to any signs of discomfort, pain, or rubbing during the breaking-in process. If you experience persistent issues, it may be an indication that the shoes are not well-suited for your feet. Consider consulting a professional running shoe fitter or trying a different model or brand that better matches your foot shape and running needs.

Gradual Increase in Distance and Intensity

When it comes to breaking in your running shoes, it’s important to gradually increase your distance and intensity to prevent injuries and ensure optimal performance. Rushing into long runs or high-intensity workouts with new shoes can lead to discomfort, blisters, or even more serious issues like stress fractures. Follow these steps to break in your running shoes effectively:

  • Start with short runs: Begin by going for shorter runs, such as 1-2 miles, to allow your feet and shoes to adjust gradually.
  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to any discomfort or pain during your runs. If you feel any hot spots or rubbing, consider adjusting the fit or using preventive measures like moleskin or blister patches.
  • Gradually increase distance: Slowly increase your mileage each week, adding no more than 10% to your total distance. This gradual progression allows your feet and shoes to adapt without overexertion.
  • Vary your terrain: Incorporate different types of surfaces, such as trails, pavement, or track, to help your shoes adapt to various conditions.
  • Increase intensity cautiously: Once you feel comfortable with the distance, you can start incorporating higher-intensity workouts, such as intervals or tempo runs. Again, progress slowly and listen to your body.
  • Take rest days: Give your feet and shoes time to recover by incorporating rest days into your training schedule. This allows your shoes to regain their cushioning properties and prevents overuse injuries.
  • Replace your shoes when necessary: Over time, running shoes lose their cushioning and support. It’s important to replace them regularly, usually every 300-500 miles or when you start experiencing discomfort or pain during your runs.

Wearing them Around the House

Breaking in your running shoes is an important step to ensure comfort and prevent injuries during your runs. One effective way to break in your new running shoes is by wearing them around the house for short periods of time. This allows your feet to get accustomed to the shoes gradually and helps identify any potential discomfort or fit issues. Here are some tips for wearing your running shoes around the house:

  • Start with short periods: Begin by wearing your new running shoes for 10-15 minutes at a time. This gives your feet a chance to adjust to the shoes without causing excessive discomfort.
  • Pay attention to any discomfort: During your house wear sessions, take note of any areas that feel tight, pinched, or uncomfortable. This can help you identify if there are any fit issues that need to be addressed.
  • Walk and move around: While wearing your running shoes indoors, walk around the house, climb stairs, or perform light movements to simulate the motion of running. This helps the shoes flex and adapt to your feet’s natural movements.
  • Gradually increase wear time: As you become more comfortable in your new running shoes, gradually increase the amount of time you wear them around the house. Aim for longer sessions, up to 30 minutes or more, before transitioning to wearing them on your runs.
  • Monitor for any pain or discomfort: It’s normal for your feet to go through an adjustment period when breaking in new shoes. However, if you experience persistent pain, blisters, or discomfort that does not improve with wear, it may be a sign that the shoes are not the right fit for you.

Utilizing Short Walks or Easy Runs

One of the key strategies for breaking in your running shoes is to gradually introduce them to your feet and walking or running routine. Utilizing short walks or easy runs can help your shoes mold to the shape of your feet and minimize discomfort or blisters. Here’s how you can effectively break in your running shoes:

  • Start with short walks: Begin by taking short walks in your new running shoes. This will help your feet adjust to the shoes and allow the materials to soften and flex.
  • Gradually increase distance: As you feel more comfortable, increase the distance of your walks. This will further break in the shoes and familiarize your feet with their cushioning and support.
  • Introduce easy runs: Once your shoes feel comfortable during walks, you can start incorporating short and easy runs into your routine. Start with gentle jogs or slow-paced runs to allow your feet and shoes to adapt gradually.
  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to any discomfort or pain during walks or runs. If you experience significant discomfort, consider reducing the distance or pace until your feet get accustomed to the shoes.
  • Take rest days: It’s important to give your feet and shoes time to recover. Take rest days in between walks or runs to prevent overuse injuries and allow your shoes to regain their shape.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Breaking in Running Shoes

Wearing Them for Long Runs Right Away

One common mistake people make when breaking in running shoes is wearing them for long runs right away. It’s important to gradually increase the distance and intensity of your runs to allow your feet and shoes to adjust. Start with shorter runs and gradually increase the mileage over time to avoid discomfort or potential injuries.

Ignoring Discomfort or Pain

Another mistake is ignoring discomfort or pain when breaking in running shoes. While it’s normal to experience some minor discomfort during the break-in period, significant pain or discomfort could indicate that the shoes are not the right fit for you. Listen to your body and if the shoes continue to cause discomfort after a reasonable break-in period, it may be time to consider a different pair.

Not Taking Time to Adjust Laces and Fit

Properly adjusting the laces and fit of your running shoes is crucial for comfort and support. Many people overlook this step and end up with shoes that are either too tight or too loose. Take the time to adjust the laces and ensure a snug, but not overly tight, fit. This will help prevent blisters, hot spots, and unnecessary foot movement.

Skipping the Gradual Transition Period

Transitioning from one pair of running shoes to another requires a gradual process to allow your feet and muscles to adjust to the new shoes. Skipping this transition period and immediately switching to a new pair of shoes can increase the risk of discomfort, injury, or muscle strain. Take the time to gradually incorporate the new shoes into your running routine.

Not Considering the Terrain or Surface

Different running shoes are designed for different terrains and surfaces. Neglecting to consider the terrain or surface you will be running on can impact your performance and comfort. Make sure to choose running shoes that are suitable for your usual running environment, whether it’s pavement, trails, or a combination of both.

Neglecting to Rotate Shoes

Rotating between multiple pairs of running shoes can extend the life of your shoes and prevent premature wear. Running in the same pair of shoes every day can lead to excessive wear and tear, reducing the effectiveness and support they provide. Having multiple pairs of running shoes and rotating them can help distribute the impact and give each pair time to recover between runs.

Not Rushing the Process

Breaking in your running shoes is an important step to ensure comfort and prevent discomfort or injuries while running. Rushing the process can lead to discomfort or even pain during your runs. Here are some tips to properly break in your running shoes:

  • Wear them around the house: Start by wearing your new running shoes for short periods of time inside your house. This will give your feet time to adjust to the shoes without putting too much strain on them.
  • Gradually increase wear time: Over the course of a few days or weeks, gradually increase the amount of time you wear your running shoes. This will allow your feet to adapt to the shoes and prevent any discomfort or blisters.
  • Take them for short walks: Once you feel comfortable wearing your running shoes indoors, start taking them for short walks outside. This will help further break them in and allow your feet to adjust to different surfaces.
  • Start with shorter runs: When you feel ready to start running in your new shoes, begin with shorter runs to give your feet time to adjust to the impact and cushioning of the shoes.
  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to any discomfort or pain while running. If you experience any discomfort or pain that doesn’t improve with time, it may be a sign that the shoes are not the right fit for you.


Breaking in your running shoes is an important step to ensure optimal comfort, support, and performance during your runs. By gradually acclimating your feet to the shoes through short walks or easy runs, you can minimize the risk of discomfort, blisters, and injuries. Take your time and don’t rush the process, as finding the right pair of running shoes that work best for you is key to a comfortable and enjoyable running experience.

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