Incline Trainer Vs. Treadmill [What’s Better For You?]

Choosing the right fitness equipment for your goals can make a significant difference in your workout routine.

Two popular options that often come up in the cardio equipment debate are incline trainers and treadmills.

In this article, we’ll compare the benefits of incline trainers and treadmills, helping you determine which one is better suited for you.

Benefits of Incline Trainers

An incline trainer is a machine that allows you to walk or run on an inclined surface. These trainers offer several advantages over traditional treadmills.

Increased Calorie Burn and Muscle Engagement

When you exercise on an incline trainer, you engage more muscles compared to a regular treadmill workout. The incline activates your glutes, hamstrings, and calves, giving you a more complete lower body workout. Additionally, working out at an incline requires more effort, resulting in a higher calorie burn compared to a flat treadmill workout.

Enhanced Cardiovascular Endurance

Walking or running on an incline challenges your heart and lungs, improving your cardiovascular endurance. By regularly using an incline trainer, you can strengthen your heart and increase your stamina. This makes incline trainers a great choice for improving cardiovascular health and building endurance.

Joint-Friendly Workout Option

If you have joint issues or are recovering from an injury, an incline trainer may be a better option for you. Walking on an incline reduced the impact on your joints since your feet strike the ground with less force compared to running or walking on a flat surface. This can reduce strain on your joints and make your workout more comfortable.

Advantages of Treadmills

Treadmills have been a staple in the fitness industry for a long time, and for good reason. Here are some of the benefits of using a treadmill for your workouts.

Versatility for Different Workout Goals

Treadmills offer a wide range of speed and incline options, making them suitable for various workout goals. Whether you prefer walking, jogging, or high-intensity running, a treadmill can accommodate your needs. You can easily adjust the settings to match your desired intensity level, providing you with a versatile workout experience.

Convenient Indoor Workouts

With a treadmill, you have the convenience of working out in the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to worry about weather conditions or travel time to the gym. Having a treadmill readily available allows you to maintain a consistent workout routine without any interruptions.

Personalized Workout Tracking

Many treadmills come equipped with built-in fitness tracking features. These features allow you to monitor your heart rate, distance traveled, speed, and calories burned during your workouts. Having this information readily available helps you track your progress and set new goals to challenge yourself.

Considerations for Choosing Between Incline Trainers and Treadmills

When deciding between an incline trainer and a treadmill, there are a few key factors you should consider.

Fitness Goals and Preferences

First, consider your fitness goals and preferences. If your primary focus is on cardiovascular endurance, an incline trainer may be the better option. If you prefer a more versatile machine that allows for different workout intensities and running speeds, a treadmill would be the preferable choice.

Space Availability and Budget

Another consideration is the available space in your home and your budget. Incline trainers tend to be bulkier and require more space compared to treadmills. Consider the dimensions of each equipment and ensure that you have enough space to accommodate them. Additionally, weigh the cost of incline trainers and treadmills based on your budget and choose accordingly.

User Experience and Comfort

Lastly, take the user experience and comfort into account. Try out different models in person or read reviews to gauge comfort and usability. Look for additional features like cushioning, entertainment options, and connectivity that can enhance your workout experience.

Incline Trainers vs. Treadmills: Which is Better for Weight Loss?

When it comes to weight loss, both incline trainers and treadmills can be effective tools. Incline trainers have an edge in terms of calorie burn and muscle engagement. The added intensity of uphill workouts leads to a higher calorie burn compared to flat treadmill workouts. However, the most important factor when it comes to weight loss is creating a calorie deficit through a combination of diet and exercise. Choose the equipment that you enjoy using and that fits into your overall weight loss plan.

Incline Trainers vs. Treadmills: Impact on Joint Health

If joint health is a concern, both incline trainers and treadmills have their advantages. Walking on an incline reduces the impact on joints as compared to running or jogging on a flat surface. However, some treadmills offer cushioning systems that absorb shock and minimize joint impact. Take note of the level of cushioning provided by the equipment and opt for a treadmill with good shock absorption if joint health is a top priority.

Ultimately, the choice between an incline trainer and a treadmill depends on your personal goals, space availability, budget, and comfort preferences. It’s always a good idea to consult with a fitness professional who can guide you based on your specific needs. With the right equipment and commitment to your fitness journey, you can achieve your health and wellness goals.


The Incline Trainer and the Treadmill both have it’s huge advantages.  Whichever you decide to choose, as long as you dedicate yourself in going full speed, you’ll absolutely get the results you’re looking for.

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