What Are High Fives on Peloton?

What’s up, workout warriors? Ready to learn about one of the coolest features of Peloton? Let’s talk about high fives!

So, what exactly are high fives on Peloton? Think of them as virtual fist bumps that you can give to other Peloton users during your workouts. It’s a way to connect with others, get a little motivation, and spread some positivity. And the best part? It’s super easy to give high fives on Peloton.

But why are high fives important for Peloton users, and how do you actually do it? Let’s explore!

How to Give High Fives on Peloton

One of the best things about working out on a Peloton bike is the sense of community it creates. And what better way to show your support for your fellow riders than with a virtual high-five? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to give high fives on Peloton:

  1. During your ride, look for the icon of a hand on your screen – this is the high-five button.
  2. When you see that a fellow rider has given you a high-five, simply tap the hand icon on your screen to return the gesture.
  3. If you want to give a high-five to someone specific, you can do this by searching for their username in the rider list and selecting the hand icon next to their name.

And that’s it! Giving high-fives on Peloton is as easy as that. But why should you bother?

High Fives: More Than Just a Fun Gesture

Have you ever received a virtual high-five mid-workout on Peloton and felt instantly motivated to push just a little bit harder? As it turns out, there are real benefits to giving and receiving those little hand-slapping icons from your fellow riders. Here are a few reasons why high-fives on Peloton can actually make a difference:

  1. It boosts motivation and encourages community engagement – when you feel like you’re part of a larger community of riders, you’re more likely to stay motivated and committed to your workouts. Knowing that someone else is out there, supporting and cheering you on, can make a big difference in your overall motivation levels.
  2. It helps users to stay accountable and consistent with their workouts – when you know that other riders are watching and giving you support, it can be harder to make excuses to skip a ride. Knowing that you’re part of a larger community can help hold you accountable and keep you on track with your fitness goals.
  3. It increases overall enjoyment of the Peloton experience – let’s face it, working out can be tough, and sometimes we just need a little bit of fun and positivity to keep us going. High-fives on Peloton are a great way to inject a bit of lightheartedness into your workout routine and make the experience more enjoyable overall.

So, the next time you’re feeling burned out or unmotivated during a Peloton ride, take a moment to give or receive a few high-fives from your fellow riders. You might just find that it makes all the difference!

High Five Etiquette on Peloton: A Guide to Gifting and Receiving

Giving and receiving high-fives on Peloton can be a great way to build community and stay motivated during workouts. However, there are a few important etiquette tips to keep in mind to make sure that you and your fellow riders are getting the most out of the experience. Here are a few things to consider:

Proper Etiquette for Giving High Fives On Peleton

  • Give high-fives often, but not excessively – it’s great to show support for your fellow riders, but try not to overdo it.
  • Be selective about who you give high-fives to – focus on riders who are putting in effort and pushing themselves during the ride.
  • Avoid giving high-fives during timed intervals or sprints – these moments require riders to focus and may not be appropriate for distractions.

Proper Etiquette for Receiving High Fives On Peleton

  • Be gracious and return the high-five – if someone has taken the time to give you a virtual high-five, make sure to return the gesture.
  • Avoid high-fiving if you’re not feeling up to it – if you’re struggling to keep up with the ride or are feeling too exhausted to engage, it’s okay to skip the high-fives.
  • Be authentic – don’t feel like you have to give high-fives just to be polite. If you genuinely feel motivated and want to show support, then go for it!

Overall, high-fiving on Peloton is a fun and effective way to build community and stay motivated during workouts. There really is no right or wrong way to do it, these are just my thoughts at the end of the day.


Congratulations! You’re now equipped with all the knowledge you need to give and receive high-fives like a pro on Peloton. 

To recap, the importance of high-fives on Peloton cannot be overstated. They can help you feel connected to others, give you a sense of accomplishment, and generally enhance your overall experience. In short, high-fives are the virtual equivalent of a pat on the back, and who doesn’t love a bit of positive reinforcement?

Whether you’re riding solo, joining a live class, or catching up with friends across the country, the power of high-fives can be a game changer. So keep giving them, keep feeling the love, and keep on riding!

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